Friday: 11-3-17

02 Nov

“Saved by the Bell”  5 Rounds: 20 Jumping Lunges 15/10 Calorie Row 10 Alternating Dumbbell Snatches (55/35)   Mobility WOD: 1)Banded Hip Extension Lunge - hook band around left leg, pull it up to butt crease and step back away from rack to create distraction on left hip. Right leg is in front of left leg in top of lunge position. Squeeze left glute to protect low back.  Keeping belly tight and glute squeezed, drop left knee to ground. Do not let right shin go past vertical.  Repeat 10-15 lunges on each side. This is best done before the WOD. 2) Trap scrub - Lie on back. Place lacrosse ball on upper trap(above shoulder blade and between neck and shoulder).  Raise the arms into the air.  Using air or a plate in hands, "drive the bus".  When you find a tight spot, contract upper back muscles for 5 seconds, then relax into the ball for 10 seconds. Repeat until you feel change in the tissue.  2 min each side.

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