Tuesday: 11-21-17

20 Nov

AMRAP 18: 3 Kettlebells Swings (53/35) 3 Jumping Lunges 200m Run 6 Kettlebells Swings (53/35) 6 Jumping Lunges 200m Run 9 Kettlebells Swings (53/35) 9 Jumping Lunges 200m Run Climbing by 3’s until cap. PureFit: AMRAP 12/15 min: 3 Kettlebells Swings 3 Lunges 200m Run/Row 6 Kettlebells Swings 6 Lunges 200m Run/Row 9 Kettlebells Swings 9 Lunges 200m Run/Row Climbing by 3’s until cap.   Mobility WOD

  1. Psoas smash - the psoas muscle is medial to and much larger than the iliacus.  They work together as hip flexors.  Place a light to medium weight KB on top of ball(more intense), position lacrosse ball a couple inches outside your belly button.  Smash into stiff spot on psoas. Elevate your knee and then internally and externally rotate your leg.  Flex and straighten your knee.  1-2 minutes per side.
  2. Banded shoulder external rotation - Place band on pull up bar.  Hook both thumbs around the band, arm in front about shoulder with apart.  Raise band overhead and rotate to face away from pull up bar. Step away from the pull up bar to create tension.  Keep shoulders externally rotated at all times. If your shoulder dumps forward, start over.  Once tension is created turn towards the right, take a big breathe in, push/resist away from the band with left shoulder for 5 seconds. Relax and exhale. Repeat 4-5  times.  Perform on other side by stepping to the left and creating isometric tension in the right shoulder.  Repeat the contract/ relax cycle 4-5 times.

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