Tuesday 11/14/17

13 Nov

On the Minute x 10

2 Power Snatches followed by... 4 Rounds: 15 Power Snatches (75/55) 30 Double Unders 250 Meter Row PureFit   Tabata 2 min: Plank followed by.. 4 Rounds: 10 KB Deadlift 20 Singles 200 M Row   Mobility WOD:
  1. Snatch overhead primer- place band across front rack.  Stand perpendicular to band. Hook hand through upper band, thumb up. Bring arm overhead and do 10-20 shoulder shrugs to activate shoulder. Then rotate armpit towards wall then forward, 10-20 times.  Stop reps once shoulder starts to fatigue. Repeat on other side.
  2. Overhead lateral shoulder opener- place band over bar, doubling up on band. Externally rotate shoulder and keep palm facing the ceiling. Create tension on band with arm in overhead position. Once  stretch is felt, place back leg behind/across front leg to further stretch. Contract anterior serrated/last for 5 sec, then relax for 10 sec. repeat. 1-2 min each side.
  3. Barbell Calf Smash- 2 min each leg

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