Monday: 1-15-18

14 Jan

CFC Hang Squat Snatch Heavy Single “High Heels”  AMRAP 9: 10 Hang Squat Snatches (75/55) 30 Double Unders PureFit: AMRAP 9: 6 KB Snatches (3 each arm) 30 Flutter Kicks 30 Single Unders   Mobility WOD   Snatch overhead primer- place band across front rack.  Stand perpendicular to band. Hook hand through upper band, thumb up. Bring arm overhead and do 10-20 shoulder shrugs to activate shoulder. Then rotate armpit out towards wall then forward, 10-20 times.  The goal is to activate the shoulder.  Use a band with enough resistance to create fatigue in 10-20 reps. Repeat on other side.

  1. High hip flexor smash - lie on your side and push the lacrosse ball from the front into the high hip flexor(in front of and just below the top of the hip bone) while the hip and knee are at 90 degrees.  Roll onto the ball and smash/floss. Smash the ball with the hip at 90 degrees and working it down to 180 degrees(straight leg).  Spend about 2 minutes on each side.
  2. Achilles barbell smash - smash the achilles tendon from the heel to the base of the calf.  Smash by crossing the free leg over the leg getting smash. Floss by rotating the foot in, out and circling the foot. Additional flossing includes tacking down the achilles before flossing. To tack it down, turn your foot inward, place the achilles on the barbell, drag the foot from inward to towards the ceiling while "squashing" the achilles into the bar.  Floss again with rotating the foot.  Spend about 2 minutes on each side.

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