Tuesday 1/30/18

29 Jan


21 – 15 – 9

Wallballs (20/14) Pull-ups Thrusters (95/65) Box Jumps (24/20) Kettlebell Swings (53/35)




Ring Row

Box Step Ups

Push Ups

Sit Ups

Mobility WOD: 1)TFL smash - to improve hip flexion and internal rotation. The TFL can get tight after any squatting position. Lie on your side and place the lacrosse ball on the lateral hip. Bring that leg to 90 degrees hip and knee flexion. The top leg can be propped with foot flat on the floor. Contract the hip/glute for 4 seconds while inhaling, then relax and exhale for 8 seconds.  Repeat until you can completely relax on the ball. Then roll towards your stomach(not to your stomach) to "smash" the TFL.  You are trying to strip/roll the lacrosse ball across the TFL as your roll forward and push the top leg onto the bottom leg.  Spend 60-90 seconds on each side.

2)Anterior shoulder smash with barbell - Lying on your back, place the sleeve of the barbell where the shoulder and chest meet.  With shoulder and elbow at 90 degrees, push palm to the floor, return to starting position, repeat.   You may place your foot on the barbell for added tension. Roll the end of the barbell around to work on sore spots. If it is not sore/tender, place a lacrosse ball under the shoulder where shoulder and arm meet, then place barbell sleeve on the anterior shoulder as previously described. Spend at least 2 minutes on each shoulder

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