Friday: 2-16-18

15 Feb

2018 Healthy Lifestyles Nutrition Challenge RESULTS

AMRAP 5 100’ Walking Lunge (Bodyweight) 50 Sit-ups Max SDLHP 95/65 rest 5 minutes AMRAP 5 75’  Walking Lunge 40 Sit-ups Max SDLHP 115/80 rest 5 minutes AMRAP 5 50’ Walking Lunge 30 Sit-ups Max SDLHP 135/95 Purefit AMRAP 3 20 Walking Lunge 15 Ball slams Max SDLHP rest 3 minutes AMRAP 3 15  Walking Lunge 10 Ball Slams Max SDLHP rest 3 minutes AMRAP 3 10 Walking Lunge 5 Ball Slams Max SDLHP Mobility WOD: 1) Single-Leg Flexion with external rotation(optional:banded)- Start on hands and knees. Place right foot next to right hand, keeping shin vertical.   Place right hand on right foot, tacking it to the ground. Sprawl left leg back and knee to ground. Drive hip to ground and flatten back. Rotate upper body away from right leg. Oscillate in and out of end range. Next drop left elbow to the ground and push right knee out. Oscillate.  Spend 1-2 minutes on each side.  This mobilization can also be done with the hip banded laterally or posteriorly. If you want to magnify the stretch or have any hip impingement, add the banded distraction. 2)Blue Angel - lie on stomach. Place lacrosse ball on pec, below collar bone and on chest wall medial to armpit. Smash and floss by making a snow angel. Move ball around the pec, under the clavicle to tender/stiff spots. 2 min each side

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