Thursday: 2.8.18

07 Feb


AMRAP 3: 24 Box Jump Overs (24/20) 24 KB SDHP (55/35) Max Power Cleans (115/80) rest 3 minutes AMRAP 3: 21 Box Jump Overs (24/20) 21 cal row Max Power Cleans (135/95) rest 3 minutes AMRAP 3: 18 Box Jump Overs (24/20) 18 KB SDHP Max Power Cleans (155/105) rest 3 minutes AMRAP 3: 15 Box Jump Overs (24/20) 15 Cal row Max Power Cleans (185/135) *Pair up and share a barbel. One person working while the other rest.

PureFit WOD

AMRAP 3: 21 Box step up Overs 21 KB SDHP Max push ups rest 2 minutes AMRAP 3: 18 Box step up Overs 18 cal row Max sit ups rest 2 minutes AMRAP 3: 15 Box step up Overs 15 KB SDHP Max air squats rest 2 minutes AMRAP 3: 9 Box step up Overs 9 Cal row Max shuttle sprints MWOD Monkey Bar of Death:  set up barbell about mid thigh on squat rack. Put one leg over bar, resting leg on bar into high hip area, near insertion of hamstring.  When you find tender tissue, straighten your leg. As you bend leg shift weight side to side.  90 sec per leg Gap and Smash: using a lacrosse ball, place ball behind the inside of your leg (behind the knee).  Grab your shin and pull leg tight, bringing heel towards butt.  This creates a large compression force that targets your lower hamstring and upper calf.  Start moving your foot in every direction.  To increase pressure, plant foot on the ground and scoot your butt toward your heel.  90 seconds per leg.  (To target outside line, repeat the above but place the ball on the outside of leg behind the knee.)  

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