24 May

Team WOD Teams of 2 20 min AMRAP hill sprints *rest while your teammate runs Or MURPH -if you can’t be here Monday you can do Murph

23 May

CFCody WOD 4 sets 200 meter run/row/ski 5 DB/KB Power Cleans (55/35)(35/25) 10 front rack alt. reverse lunges 200 meter run/row/ski 5 DB/KB push press (55/35)(35/25) 10 front rack alt. reverse lunges -rest 1min b/t sets- *can use 1 or 2 DB/KB on the lunges  PureFit WOD 3 sets 200 meter run/row/ski 5 DB/KB Power […]

22 May

CFCody WOD 5 Rounds 300 meter run/row/ski or 15/12 cal bike 15 russian KB swings (70/55)(55/35) 3 rope climbs rope climb sub 12 Knees to elbows 20 min time cap PureFit WOD 4 rounds 300 meter row/ski 12 Russian KB swings 8 Knees to elbows or med ball sit ups MWOD PreWOD:  Banded Bully – Hook […]

21 May

Active Recovery Day Open Gym & Mobility @ 5:30am & Open Gym @ 5:30pm Memorial Day Murph is almost here! Some of you have completed this Workout multiply times, for others it will be the first time. There are several ways to complete Murph. 1- Complete the whole thing alone or with a teammate 2- […]

20 May

CFCody WOD Strength/Skill on a 12 min running clock work up to a 3 RM Deadlift Conditioning  21-15-9 calorie Bike/Row/Ski 15-12-9 double DB/KB Front Squats (55/35)(35/25) 12-9-6 burpee box jump overs *21 cal + 15 Front Squat + 12 burpee bj overs…. and so on PureFit WOD 21-15-9 calorie Bike/Row/Ski 15-12-9 DB/KB Goblet Front Squats 12-9-6 […]