2013 Games WOD 13.3
AMRAP in 12 minutes of:
150 Wall Balls
90 Double Unders
30 Muscle ups
*We will be judging eachother. Those that can do Muscle ups find a partner that can do them as well. We have limited rings so if you feel rushed during your regular class time we will be doing this again Saturday @ 8am.
Take a min to watch the
Knowing the standards will not only hlep during your WO but also while judging others. Make it your responsiblity to know these movements & standards.
*They are utilizing the time "tie braker" for this workout. Which means after each set of exercises judges will be responsible for writing down the time. This also allows for us to time EVERYONES Karen time...(150 Wall Balls)...for the GLORY BOARD. Double Whammy!