31 Dec

No Evening Class today!

No class on New Years Day. Regular schedule starting 1/2/13.


And you thought you made it without celebrating the 12 days...

12 Days of Christmas Outlaw Style

1 Clean & Jerk (115/205)  (real wod 225/155 studs, anybody?)

2 Muscle Ups (scale ring dips)

3 Box Jumps 24/30

4 Hang Squat Snatch (75/115)

5 Burpee's over the bar

6 Push Press (75/115)

7 Pistols *

8 Toes to Bar

9 Wall Ball (15/20)

10 Chest to Bar pull ups

11 Hand stand Push ups

12 Front Squats (115/205)*

Time limit 60 minutes

*How this works is you start with 1 C&J then 1 C&J and 2 MU then 1 C&J, 2 MU, on. You are done when you complete 12 front squats..

* Front squats are from the ground. No rack.

* Pistols are 7 total, any leg or legs

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