Active Recovery Day Open Gym: 5:15-6:15am &5:30-6:30pm Optional WOD 16min Clock0:00 – 10:00min 1: Caloriesmin 2: Rest10:00 – 16:00Build to a heavy 3 Rep Shoulder to Overhead Finisher5 min ClockAccumulate as much time in an L-sit hold or... Continue Reading
CFCody WOD Strength3 Sets:5 Front Squats-Build to workout load or slightly heavier 12min AMRAP:5 Chest 2 Bar pull ups25 Double unders5 Front Squats (125/185)(95/135)(55/75)25 Double Unders PureFit WOD 12min AMRAP:5 pull ups/ring rows25 single unders5 Dbl ... Continue Reading
CFCody WOD 3 Rounds:30 Russian KBS (35/53)15 Handstand push ups Finisher10 KB Turkish get ups (each arm) PureFit WOD 3 Rounds:30 Russian KBS10 Push ups400m Row/Ski/Run/Bike (20) Finisher5 KB Turkish get ups (each arm)
Teams of 2: AMRAP 20:30 burpees40 alternating DB snatches (35/50 lb)200-m double-DB farmers carry (35/50 lb) *Break up reps and carries however you want
CFCody 25.2 Open WOD (22.3 repeat) For time: 21 pull-ups42 double-unders21 thrusters (weight 1)18 chest-to-bar pull-ups36 double-unders18 thrusters (weight 2)15 bar muscle-ups30 double-unders15 thrusters (weight 3) Time cap: 12 minutes Thruster Weight ... Continue Reading