The CrossFit Open is starting this Wednesday! We’ll have in an gym competition just like last year by forming two teams and following the same point system as the open follows. We’d like to see everyone sign up for the Open, however if you want to be in the gym competition but don’t want to […]
The Crossfit Open starts this Wednesday 3/6/13! We’d like to see everyone join in on the fun as we’ll form two teams in our gym (just like last year) to compete against each other and compare yourself against other crossfitter’s across the globe. If you’re not sure how to sign up just ask a trainer […]
Striking Wod 9AM. This is a new class we are beginning to offe. If you missed it the first time be sure to catch it this time. CrossFit preparing for the unknowable…you never know when you might meet Goliath.
SKILL: PUSH PRESS 85% 5X2 METCON: 5 rounds for total HSPU of: 2 minutes to complete- 20 KBS 55/35kg 12 Lateral Box Jumps 24/20 ME HSPU *Rest 1 minute. *If you cannot complete HSPU then sub ring dips * If you cannot complete ring dips complete pushups on bar ( chest must touch bar)* If […]