Tuesday 09/19/2017

18 Sep

10 Minutes: Build to Heavy Power Snatch then AMRAP 8 10 Toes to Bar 10 Burpees   MWOD: Partner T-spine smash

  1. T-spine smash - this thoracic mobilization would be best done before power snatch.  Lie on a double lacrosse ball along the thoracic spine about the level of your nipples.  Place a 35# plate or 20# medicine ball on your chest. Wrap your arms around the plate or ball. Bring one arm overhead. Inhale for 4 seconds, exhale for 8 seconds. Repeat until you can fully relax on the exhale. Switch overhead arms.  Repeat inhale and exhale sequence. Recruit a  friend to help you to get maximum benefit.
  2. Subscapularis/Lat smash - this is best done after the workout. Lying on your side, place foam roller at the base of the arm as it attaches to the shoulder. Roll forwards and backwards, working on tender spots.  Continue to smash as you move the roller slowly past the armpit to the lats.

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