Thursday: 12.14.17

13 Dec

CFCody WOD 8 Rounds of :20 On / :10 Off: Kettlebell Swings (53/35) Row Sit-Ups Shuttle Sprints *Complete 8 rounds (4min) at a movement before moving on to the next. PureFit WOD 8 Rounds of :20 On / :10 Off: Kettlebell Swings Row Sit-Ups Shuttle Sprints *Complete 6 rounds (3 min) at a movement before moving on to the next. MWOD Achilles/Calf Smash:  Using a barbell and resistance band, you are going to work on the tissues from achilles to the bottom of calf.  Place your foot, the base of the heel on the barbell and wrap the band around the foot and hold onto the band creating tension, slowly work your way up the leg and then extend and flex the foot as you find tender tissue, this will flush the tissue.  Place other leg on top off banded foot for addition pressure. 2 min per leg Pigeon stretch - sit on ground placing one leg in front and the other behind. Bend front knee to 90ish degrees. Sit up as straight as possible, suck belly button into your back and lean forward over front leg.  Contract and relax to increase stretch.  Keeping back elongated, deep breath in and contract the front leg into the ground for 4 seconds then exhale and relax for 8 seconds.  Spend at least 1 minute on each side.      

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