Thursday: 12.28.17

27 Dec

CFCody WOD AMRAP 15: 15 Power Snatches (75/55) 30 Double Unders 15 Wallballs (20/14) 30 Double Unders PureFit 2 rounds of: 6 alternating KB snatch 30 single unders 12 Wall Ball 500 meter row 2 Rounds of: 6 alternating KB snatch 30 single unders 12 Wall Ball MWOD Pre-WOD:  Shoulder Primer:  place band across front rack.  Stand perpendicular to band. Hook hand through upper band, thumb up. Bring arm overhead and do 10-20 shoulder shrugs to activate shoulder. Then rotate armpit out towards wall then forward, 10-20 times.  The goal is to activate the shoulder.  Use a band with enough resistance to create fatigue in 10-20 reps. Repeat on other side. Calf Stretch with 25-35# plate:  similar to stretching calf against wall or pullup rig post.  Place the plate near the pullup post so that you can hold on.  Position ball of foot onto plate, heel on ground.  Then internally rotate foot (from the heel, not the ankle)  Step other foot in front, onto plate.  Activate the glute and quad of the leg that you are stretching the calf.  If you loose activation of glute, regain and continue for 90 seconds per leg. Quad Smash/Calf Smash : tool of your choice; foam roaller, barbell, KB lacrosse ball. 2 min per leg    

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