CrossFit Cody Kids Program!

07 May

We are so excited to launch our CrossFit Cody Kids program this summer.

CrossFit kids is geared and designed for a special populations, KIDS, and the specific developmental needs of that population. Through gymnasitcs, body-weight movements, calisthenics, jumping, rolling, agility, games and most importantly having FUN, Crossfit Cody Kids goal is to create a lifelong love of health and fitness for our children.
Program Details:


We will be running a 4 week, 2 times/week, session on Tuesdays & Thursdays
Starts: Tuesday July 9
Ends: Thursday August 1
*additional Classes added as needed.  Each class will be capped, Pre-K max of 12 kids, Kids max of 16 kids


Pre-K - Ages 3-5yrs

Kids - Ages 5-11yrs

Teens - 12yrs and up


Pre-K - Tues & Thurs 10-10:30am

Kids - Tues & Thurs 10:30-11:15am

Teens - Classes added as needed


Pre-K - $50 (T-shirt included)

Kids - $60 (T-shirt included)

Teens - determined when classes are added


Saturday May 11 from 8:30 - 10Am at CrossFit Cody 301A 17th Street

For more information contact Mindy @ 801.725.9732

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