Tuesday: 7-9-19

08 Jul

3Rds Amrap x 2:00 12 DU's + 6 DB DL Rest :30 Amrap x 2:00 Bike/Row/Ski for Calories Rest :30 Amrap x 2:00 12 Sit-Ups + 6 DB Hang Power Cleans Rest :30 PureFit: Amrap x 2:00 12 Single Unders + 6 KB DL Rest :30 Amrap x 2:00 Bike/Row/Ski for Calories Rest :30 Amrap x 2:00 12 Sit-Ups + 6 KBS Rest :30 MWOD Pre-WOD: Banded hip flexion and hamstring primer - this not only helps you get into the deadlift starting position, but actives the hamstrings for deadlifts, rowing, cleans, etc.  Place medium band on the rack about a foot off the floor. Lie on your back on place band high in the hip. Scoot back to create tension. Using your hands bring your banded side knee into your chest, relax and repeat 15-20 times.  Then do 15-20 hamstring lockouts(place opposite hand on banded side foot, keep thigh in chest, straighten banded leg as much as possible, relax. Repeat 15-20 times). Switch sides. Post-WOD: Monkey Bar of Death:  set up barbell about mid thigh on squat rack. Put one leg over bar, resting leg on bar into high hip area, near insertion of hamstring.  When you find tender tissue, straighten your leg. As you bend leg shift weight side to side. 90 sec per leg

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