Thursday: 9.26.19

25 Sep


E2MOM x 20 MINUTES MIN 1 & 2 - Row 500/400m MIN 3 & 4 - 12 Burpee Over Bar + 6 TNG Power Snatch (115/75)|(75/55)* *Power Snatch must be performed Unbroken & Touch-N-Go in sets...either 6 UB, 3/3, 4/2. No singles.

PureFit WOD

E2MOM x 12-16 MINUTES MIN 1 & 2 - 300 meter row/ski MIN 3 & 4 - 6 up-downs + 12 DB/KB snatch MWOD Pre-WOD: Anterior shoulder smash with barbell - Lying on your back, place the sleeve of the barbell where the shoulder and chest meet.  With shoulder and elbow at 90 degrees, push palm to the floor, return to starting position, repeat. You may place your foot on the barbell for added tension. Roll the end of the barbell around to work on sore spots.  Spend at least 2 minutes on each shoulder Post-WOD: Barbell Sink Mobilization - Place a barbell in a rack about waist high. Grab the barbell with one hand. Rotate away from the barbell then grab the barbell with the other hand. Move your hands as close together as possible without losing shoulder position(shoulders down and back).  Keeping the shoulders back, straighten the arms, step forward and lean forward. To increase tension, bend knees/lunging down. The goal is to get your shoulders at the same level as the barbell without losing shoulder position. Stretch for 3 sets of 30 seconds. If you are really tight contract the chest and shoulders for 4 seconds, relax for 8 seconds for 3 rounds then stretch.  This is a global mobilization and will stretch what is tight: pecs, anterior shoulder muscles, etc.

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