Friday: 12.20.19

19 Dec


Workout EMOM x 16 MINUTES MIN 1 - 16/13 Cal Bike/row/ski* MIN 2 - 5 or 7 Burpee Over Bar + 5 Deadlift (275/185)|(185/135)* *Option for athletes to do 7 or 5 Burpees! Stick with your choice through the whole workout.

PureFit WOD

3 rounds 10 KB Deadlifts 20 slam balls 400 meter row -14 min time cap MWOD Pre-WOD: Banded hip flexion and hamstring primer - this helps you get into the deadlift starting position and the bottom of a burpee.  Place medium band on the rack about a foot off the floor. Lie on your back on place band high in the hip. Scoot back to create tension. Using your hands bring your banded side knee into your chest, relax and repeat 15-20 times.  Then do 15-20 hamstring lockouts(place opposite hand on banded side foot, keep thigh in chest, straighten banded leg as much as possible, relax. Repeat 15-20 times). Switch sides. Post-WOD: Lateral seam overhead smash - lie on your side and smash the high lat/tricep area on a foam roller. Start on the back of your shoulder and roll forward with arm over head and palm facing the ceiling.  As you roll forward, "smear" the tissue into the roller. Continue to roll back to forward smashing from the lat, to the shoulder and into the tricep. Hunt for sore spots. When you find a tender area, contract the lat and push your hand into the ground for 4 seconds, then relax for 8 seconds. Repeat. Spend 2 minutes on each side.

Christmas Party Saturday December 21st @ 6:30pm

CFCody will provide the main course Pot Luck items 5:15am - Appetizers 6:15am - Sides 8:30 & PureFit - Desserts 4:30pm - Appetizers 5:30pm - Sides

Wear your dancing shoes, we will be learning some swing dancing! Also, start warming up your singing voices Karaoke is on the agenda.

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