Category : Uncategorized

11 Dec

Teams of 2: FOR TIME 50 Partner Med ball sit ups (14/20) 10 rounds of Cindy 5 pull ups 10 push ups 15 squats 150 double unders 10 rounds of 5 box jump overs (20/24) 10 burpees 15 KBS (35/55) 50 partner med ball sit up (14/20) *split reps up however  

09 Dec

CFCody & Comp WOD 1. 4 rounds-every 4 minutes, complete: 25 Cal Row 15 Deadlifts-225/155 10 HSPU or ring push ups if you are unable to get the number of reps perscribed in 4min find numbers that you can. 2. “Death by double unders” 1×15 -each minute, add 15 reps Score = highest number completed […]

22 Nov

1. Conditioning 15-12-9-6: Power Clean (155/105) TTB Push Jerk (155/105) BJ (24″/20″) 2. Squat 2×10 Back Squats or Midline: 2 rounds Max boat hold 25 supermans Max plank -stay consistant Comp WOD 1. Conditioning 15-12-9-6: Power Clean (155/105) TTB Push Jerk (155/105) BJ (24″/20″) 2. Snatch Work up to a 1-rep heavy from the hang […]

02 Oct

NO CLASS TODAY The annual Soroptimist 5 & 10k is today @ 10am. To help support this cause we are canceling class and encouraging everyone to participate. Race starts at the Rec Center. It’s not too late to register. Come to the rec around 9am and get registered, you may miss out on a t-shirt […]

25 Sep

Saturday: 9.26.15

Posted by CFCody Category: Uncategorized

Teams of 2: 50-40-30-20-10 toes to bar kb clean & jerks (35/55) *after each round complete 1000-800-600-400 meter row *split up reps & row however