20 Jan

SWOD Snatch 3×1 @ 70% 3×1 @ 80% 3×1 @ 90% or max WOD 5 Rounds of: 12 OHS (65/95) 6 Toes to Bar 12 Thrusters (65/95) 6 Pull ups

17 Jan

Strength: Hang Squat Cleans- 2x3x65%, 1x2x75%, 1x1x85%, 2x1x100% WOD: 12 min AMRAP 10 SDLHP 65/95 5 T2B 10 Box Jumps 16/20 5 Push-Up

16 Jan

Make sure to make it to Mobility and Goal setting!

15 Jan

Rotate through each exercise every min until you have reached a TOTAL of 500 Reps Push Press (65/96) Wall Ball sit ups (15/20)(ball to chest not overhead) KB Swings (25/45) Squats *Scale weight as needed Check the NEWS and MOBILITY pages for updates!

14 Jan

Strength: Squat Snatch: 1x2x65%, 1x2x70%, 1x1x80%, 2x1x90% WOD: 21-15-9 Hang Power Clean 75/115 Pull-Ups *Everytime you set the bar down or drop from the pull-up bar you must do 3 burpees. Completing a round does not count. You are rewarded for unbrokeness!