CFCody WOD Fall into Consistency Nutrition Challenge WOD 16min Clock500m Row/400m Run-rest 2min- AMRAP in remaining time:10 Pull ups20 DB Push Press (25s/35s)30 Burpees40 KBS (35/53)5 Wall Balls (14/20)40 KBS30 Burpees20 DB Push Press10 Pull ups *Use the scorecard to record EXACTLY how you complete the workout. Make sure to record both Row/Run time & […]
Active Recovery Day Open Gym 5:30-6:30am & 5:30-6:30pm Optional WOD “Karen”150 Wall Balls (14/20)*This is a Glory Board WOD. Must be done as prescribed. Fight for depth in those squats and hit your target (women = 8ft – men = 10ft) every rep. or For Time:50 burpees100 Double unders50 burpees
CFCody WOD “Helen”3 Rounds for time:400m Run21 KBS (35/53)12 Pull ups *This is a Glory Board WOD. In order to get on the Glory Board it must be done as prescribed. Running is the prescribed movement, no substituting if wanting on the Glory Board. Run Substitutions500m Row/Ski20/24 Calorie bike PureFit WOD “Helen”3 Rounds for time:400m […]
CFCody WOD Pre-WOD3 Sets:7 deadlifts-build to workout weight or slightly over “Diane”21-15-9Deadlifts (155/225)Handstand push ups *This is a Glory Board WOD. in order to get on the Glory Board this must be completed as prescribed. HSPU progressionsInverted Box Push upspike push upsDB seated pressring push ups PureFit WOD “Diane-ish”21-15-9KB deadliftCalories/200m runPush upsCalories -Choose 2 different […]
AMRAP 20 with a partner:calories– Switch as needed.