WOD 13.2 Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 10 minutes of: 115/75 pound Shoulder to overhead, 5 reps 115/75 pound Deadlift, 10 reps 15 Box jumps, 24/20″ box Good luck everyone!
WOD 13.2 Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 10 minutes of: 115/75 pound Shoulder to overhead, 5 reps 115/75 pound Deadlift, 10 reps 15 Box jumps, 24/20″ box Good luck everyone!
Conditioning: 50-35-15 KBS 25/45 Air Squats Double Unders Strength: DL 3x3x70%
Conditioning: 14 min ladder of: Push-press 65/95, Box Jumps 20/24, T2B *the first 7 min. rds look like 3-6-9-12-15 ect. *the last 7 min. you will descend from where you left off (15-12-9-6-3) *example: if at 7 min you had completed 15-13 of press and jumps then you would do 15-13 again and then 12 […]
Strength: Clean and Jerk 12 min to find a max Conditioning: 5 min of max rep power clean 75/135 *when you stop or miss a rep there is a 35 double under penalty Rest 3 min 5 min max reps chest to bar pull-ups *when you miss or drop from the bar there is a […]