28 Jan

WOD 2 minutes of  burpee pull-ups 1 minute rest 2 minutes of Kb snatch 35/55 (1 minute left hand/1 minute right hand) 1 minute rest rest Repeat once more through then 100 double unders for time

27 Jan

SWOD Clean 3×1 @ 70% 3×1 @ 80% 3×1 @ 90% (or max) 4 rounds of; 5 HSPU 5 Pistols Each Leg 5 Kb swings (chest level) 35/55 in each hand

25 Jan

Teams of 2: 25 min AMRAP Run 800 Meters (together) Then 8 rounds of: 10 Partner Wall Balls (15/20) 10 KBS (35/55) -one person working at a time Then with remaining time AsManyRounds of Cindy 5 pull ups 10 push ups 15 body squats -both partners working at a time. You know it’s a good […]

24 Jan

SWOD 1a) Banded DeadLift 12 x 2 @ 50% w/ 20% band tension *load your bar to 50% of your 1RM Band tension should add about 20%. 2a) Bench 1×8 @ 70% 2×5 @ 80% 2×3 @ 85% *Complete 1a then 2a. WOD 3-6-9-12-9-6-3 Box Jumps (20/24) Deadlifts Bupree’s *Use the prilepin Table to determine […]

23 Jan

Rest day! Get out and do something light…jog, row, hike, bike ride. The only way to get rid of soreness is to work through it! Check the MOBILITY page for this weeks class info. You will see some changes in programming starting this week. We are introducing a 6 week strength cycle. The only way […]