SWOD Front Squat 1×8 @ 70% 2×5 @ 80% 2×3 @ 85% WOD In teams of 2 Partner A has 90 sec to complete as many reps of the following scheme. Partner B rests. Alternate for 4rds each, 8 total. You must stay within 5 reps of your first round or complete 10 burpee penalty […]
WOD 12 min AMRAP 1 Wall Climb 4 Ring Dips 8 KB snatch (35/55) 25 Double Unders *alternate arms on KB snatch every Round. rest 1 min 3 min AMRAP banded situps *BANDED SITUPS – You can use 1 band instead of 2 as well. If you can do it without anchoring your feet even better! […]
SWOD Snatch 3×1 @ 70% 3×1 @ 80% 3×1 @ 90% or max WOD 5 Rounds of: 12 OHS (65/95) 6 Toes to Bar 12 Thrusters (65/95) 6 Pull ups
Strength: Hang Squat Cleans- 2x3x65%, 1x2x75%, 1x1x85%, 2x1x100% WOD: 12 min AMRAP 10 SDLHP 65/95 5 T2B 10 Box Jumps 16/20 5 Push-Up
Make sure to make it to Mobility and Goal setting!