20 Mar

WODFor time:5 squat snatches (75/115 lb)(55/75 lb)20 hand-release push-ups15-cal row10 squat snatches20 hand-release push-ups15-cal row15 squat snatches20 hand-release push-ups15-cal row PUREFIT For time:10 DB Snatch (5 each arm) 20 hand-release push-ups15-cal row15 DB Snatch20 hand-release push-ups15-cal row 20 DB Snatch20 hand-release push-ups15-cal row

19 Mar

Open gym times;5:30 am – 6:30 am5:30 pm – 6:30 pm WODFor load:EMOM 12:3 power cleans2 hang power cleans1 push jerk– Build in load across the 12 minutes.

18 Mar

STRENGTH5 sets for load:5 front squats WODAMRAP 12:50-m double-DB farmers carry (35/50 lb)(20/35 lb)100-m run10 Push Press (95/65) PUREFIT Strength: 5 sets of 5 DB squats, building AMRAP 14:50m Double DB farmers carry100m run/row/ski10 DB Press

17 Mar

WOD For time:20-18-16-14-12-10-8-6-4-2Deadlifts (85/115 lb)(65/95 lb)– Complete 2 wall walks between each set-Wall walk subs 6 Handstand shoulder taps :20 Handstand hold 12 Plank shoulder taps ***FINISHER: Write 3 Goals on the Goal Board if you haven’t yet for 2024:) PUREFIT 20-16-12-8-4Suitcase DeadliftsPlank Shoulder Taps/DB Rows2 Shuttles after each set ***Finisher: Write 3 Goals on […]

15 Mar

CFCody Team WOD Teams of 2: 40-35-30-25-20 Box Jumps(24/20) weighted sit up/GHD KBS(50/35) *run 400m run together after each set, break reps however