WOD “300” 30 reps of each of the following push press 45/65 kness to elbows squats pull ups supermans kb swings 35/55 push ups situps power cleans 65/95 sand bag lunging steps
WOD “300” 30 reps of each of the following push press 45/65 kness to elbows squats pull ups supermans kb swings 35/55 push ups situps power cleans 65/95 sand bag lunging steps
SWOD Max back squat WOD 5 rounds of 5 kb snatch (each hand) 35/55 5 box jump w/kb 16″/20″ box & 25/35lb kb 10 ring rows 10 med ball sit-ups 15/20
WOD Surprise!! Come wearing your RUNNING shoes. 40 Day Challenge: Double Unders
Kip everything – Watch and learn SWOD: Box Snatch ME – 15 minutes Focus on speed under the bar WOD: 2x Squat @ 65% 10x Box jump 24/20 1x Run to Mail Box and back 7 rds COOLDOWN: Hamstring PNF stretch ( 5 sec contraction, 10 relaxed stretched) w bands 2 min Couch Stretch 2 […]
Great Week! The gains in Olympic Lifting so far have been remarkable. Keep up the good work. If you are feeling beat up, expecially shoulders, that is normal but make sure to take care of it through mobility & hydration. Speaking of MOBILITY tomorrow @ 12-1pm 5:30-6:30pm Gym Notes: -Apparell sign ups are on the […]