Active Recovery Day Open Gym 5:30-6:30am & 5:30-6:30pm Optional WOD 3 Rounds:400m Run/Row/Ski/Bike (20/24)20 DB Farmers Carry walking lunges (35s/53s) Post-WOD3 sets:10-20 GHD sit ups
Active Recovery Day Open Gym 5:30-6:30am & 5:30-6:30pm Optional WOD 3 Rounds:400m Run/Row/Ski/Bike (20/24)20 DB Farmers Carry walking lunges (35s/53s) Post-WOD3 sets:10-20 GHD sit ups
CFCody WOD 5 Sets for Load:3 Squat Cleans1 Jerk *perform the complex unbroken. *Add weight each set as mechanics allow*Complete a set every 3 min Optional Rep scheme5 sets for load of:3 Power cleans2 Front Squats2 shoulder to Overhead Post WOD conditioning2000m Row/Skior Bike (200/240) PureFit WOD 5 sets of:10 DB power cleans2 50ft shuttles10 […]
CFCody WOD 16min AMRAP:5 Box step ups (20/24)10 weighted sit ups3 Bar Muscle ups*add 5 step each round*use same box height you plan on using for CHAD1000X Bar Muscle up progressionJumping Bar Muscle upsBanded Bar Muscle upsChest 2 bar pull upsstrict pull ups Chad1000X WOD prep400m DB Carry (35s/53s)-You choose how to carry the DBs. […]
Team WODOn a 30:00 clock with a partner:Machine of choice for distance– Trade off as desired.– Starting at :00 and again every 2:00 partners each perform 10 burpees together.
WOD5 x 4:00 rounds:30 Russian KB swings (35/55 lb)(25/35)Max-cal row– Rest 1:00 between rounds.– Score is total calories. PUREFIT4 x 4:00 rounds:30 Russian KBSMax calorie Row-rest 1:00 between rounds